Alternative to dropbox for bank employees
Alternative to dropbox for bank employees

alternative to dropbox for bank employees

In fact, Stratechery’s Ben Thompson, a popular media critic on the business of technology, raised a similar point in his news letter recently: Although it’s a natural step for any early enterprise product to take, the fact that Dropbox just made this feature available earlier this month after launching its business product nearly two years ago shows just how far behind Dropbox is in the enterprise storage space. What Lessin is referring to is Dropbox’s integration with Microsoft Active Directory, one of the most common security features used by business customers. “I do know that some of employees think its preoccupation with its consumer business has come at the expense of its success in the enterprise, and they have complained that the company is only now adding features like direct integration with the widely used Microsoft Active Directory authentication system.” On Friday, Jessica Lessin, a former WSJ reporter who launched her own news site The Information, wrote a story that corroborates our report. Last month, we wrote a story about Dropbox’s challenges and how some of its employees were not happy with the company’s slow pace of innovation - especially with regards to Dropbox for Business, its upgraded product that’s considered its most important business going forward.

Alternative to dropbox for bank employees