Webuilder black background
Webuilder black background

webuilder black background

you can't do sub-columns within sub-columns).

  • NOTE: only one level of sub-columns is allowed (i.e.
  • Sub-columns: To make sub-columns, hover the column option icon on the module and click on the desired arrangement icon.
  • Gutter Spacing: The vertical spacing between columns.
  • Column Direction: Module direction position from left to right, or right to left.
  • Column Alignment: Set modules on the entire to top, middle, or bottom alignment (Click here for more info).
  • Responsive Grid: You can also set the column arrangement on mobile or tablet.
  • NOTE: The options below will appear when you select more than one column.
  • To change the column arrangement: Hover the column option icon on the row and click on the desired arrangement icon. Each row can be arranged up to a maximum of 6 columns.
  • All features available on the frontend are the same on the backend.
  • click on the module, + icon will also add the module.
  • drag module from the Module Panel to the Builder column.
  • webuilder black background

    Undo/redo any Builder modifications before saving or closing the Builder.Drag and drop the module to the column/grid to add modules.Click on the Purple "+" icon found on the top left corner, or at the last row to open the module container.Below the content editor (make sure the post is saved/published), you will find the "Themify Custom Panel > Themify Builder" tab like the screenshot below.

    Webuilder black background